
Read With Us!

Dear reader ,

As we approach the weekend, we hope you take time to rest and unwind as you plan for the new month. We have put together a reading list with blogs from our website that you might have missed! Get to learn what conversations and discussions we have been having and exploring within our communities, and you could plug in by writing to us about the situation in your country Here

Towards Inclusion And Diversity In Malawi

Malawi remains a highly hostile society towards the LGBTIQ community, which has a range of negative effects on the lives of many, including barriers to accessing economically empowering activities, the job market, and basic needs including safe and secure housing. Despite the suspension of criminalization of same-sex relations in Malawi, the lack of political will from decision-makers in the country to advocate and push for decriminalization has left the rate of violence, discrimination, and stigma unchecked for years. LBTIQ women in Malawi face significant threats to their wellbeing and safety, from physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse, the rate of violence against the community remains high to date; for many, the situation of violence worsened during the onset of the global pandemic, which saw too many losing jobs and left unemployed, and vulnerable to more instances of violence and discrimination.
Our dialogue, therefore, aimed to create room for sharing stories and building solidarity within the community in light of the existing violence against LBTIQ women, to preset conversations for collective healing and support. Read More

Girl Talk Bénin : Un Espace Centré Sur Le Processus De Guérison Des Victimes D’abus Sexuels Sur Mineures

Jusqu'à très récemment, l'existence des violences sexuelles au Bénin était quasiment inconnue du grand public. Cependant, avec l'évolution des réseaux sociaux, et le travail d'information que font les organisations non gouvernementales, les langues se délient timidement sur le sujet. Un des participants a en effet déclaré à ce sujet que « Les abus sexuels sur mineurs existent en quantité dans nos communautés. Entre 2020 et aujourd'hui de nombreux cas ont été recensés uniquement dans la commune d'Abomey-Calavi ».Cependant, selon nos participants, le tabou qui pèse sur la sexualité dans les foyers béninois rend difficile l'expression des victimes lorsqu'elles sont abusées : « Les discussions sur la sexualité sont taboues dans nos foyers. Les enfants ont alors parfois du mal à exprimer ce qui leur est arrivé à cause de cela ». En savoir plus

The Impact Of Abortion Laws And Regulations Towards Feminist Advocacy For Abortion Rights.

Unintended pregnancies will lead to two different outcomes, either unintended births or unsafe abortions. The failure to legalize safe abortions has increased class disparities, as the financially able persons can have access to safe but costly abortions and post-abortion care while those not in the financial position will have to endure unsafe, traditional, self-induced or procedures practiced by an unqualified individual. A lot of the stigma surrounding the sexual and reproductive rights conversation in Uganda come from men not supporting their spouses, their want for more children and the myth that healthy abortions or use of contraception will promote extra-marital affairs. Read More

A Step At A Time To A Better World

Zambia is among the countries where SGBV cases are constantly on the rise, where victim blaming is the order of the day, and where traditional norms repeat that a woman or girl has no voice in what happens to her body. For the past few years, Zambia has experienced an increase in sexual gender-based violence cases, with 99 percent of victims being women and girls and most of them being young underage girls. In 2021 20,540 rape cases were reported and knowing how people do not bother reporting such cases one could predict that this number was even higher, it is safe to therefore say that SGBV in Zambia is a pandemic, and if proper interventions aren’t put in place it will only worsen. Read More


Il faut déjà noter qu'il y a une différence entre le féminisme et les mouvements de femmes. Cette différence est basée sur la fiscalité contre le système du patriarcat. Car là où un simple mouvement de femmes s'installera pour l'égalité des chances, l'égalité devant la loi et les salaires, le féminisme ira plus loin en indexant le patriarcat. Mais l'objectif reste commun : l'autonomisation des femmes. En Savoir Plus

Girl Talk Afrqiue Journal

This First Journal Report Is A Collaboration Of Work Between Girl Talk Coordinators, Girl Talk Africa Ambassadors, And Girl Talk Program Directors. The Report Is Also Co-Authored By Different Interviews And Contributions By Different African Feminist Individuals And Organizations Across The Globe, Shedding Light On Various Topics. Download The Report

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